Thursday, November 11, 2010

Spaniels - People Will Say We're In Love

Just listen to that barritone voice!  The lead singer of this group (the Spaniels) was Pookie Hudson in this song however Gerald Gregory is singing; apart from this masterpiece, which by the way was a remake of a song in the play Oklahoma, they are best known for recording "Goodnight, Sweetheart, Goodnight, which is a great track in itself and would of propelled the spaniels to more success had it not been for the McGuire Sisters covering the song and gaining them the success that was due to the Spaniels. Anyway this is a great jiver, and great song to dance to.


  1. i think this song was in the first back to the future, diner scene

  2. awesome video and awesome read! great blog!

  3. Awesome song...reminds me of the music my grandmother played when I was younger

  4. good info, will look forward to the next one

  5. amazing vocals in this video! keep it up :]

  6. man wish there was more like this nowadays

  7. Keep up the good work my brother.
